Help shape your community. Get involved with the Official Community Plan update.
What is an Official Community Plan?
Mission’s Official Community Plan (OCP) is a vision for the future and a roadmap for shaping the look and feel of the city as it grows and accommodates new residents and development. It ultimately helps guide decisions regarding the location of new housing, commercial, employment, parks, trails and other land uses. It will determine how people can get around whether it be by bike, walking and car.
The OCP provides guidance for Council, residents, developers and all those who help build our city, ensuring that decisions align with resident and Council priorities and a clear and transparent future vision of the community that all groups work towards.
How Does the City Use the OCP?
The OCP is a community and Council plan that will tell us what important challenges and opportunities the City is facing. The OCP is a high-level document that considers many different parts of how our city works, from roads to parks to healthcare to education and beyond.
Get Involved
As a community centric plan, public input is critical, so we want to hear from you!
The OCP Update is a year-long planning and community engagement process with several opportunities at all project development phases for the public to be heard. Please tell us what you think and help shape the future of Mission. All input received will be reviewed to help determine the priorities and directions of the OCP Update.
What We've Heard So Far
Phase 1
Recent public engagement suggests the existing vision still resonates with many residents. Over 60% of survey respondents agree or strongly agree with the direction it sets. Furthermore, generally, few respondents (17%) disagreed or strongly disagreed with the direction set out in Mission’s current vision.
However, responses from residents, including those who feel aligned with the current vision, feel that the vision itself has not been fully reflected in some decisions made since the OCP was adopted in 2018. Transportation and housing were areas highlighted in the comments as most concerning. Many respondents also felt the current vision could be improved by placing more emphasis on recreation, parks, and open spaces within the community.
Phase 2
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our Phase 2 engagement process. We held a variety of Pop-Up events and Open Houses. A survey was also available at engage.mission.ca.
Participants in Phase 2 engagement were provided a range of opportunities to share their thoughts and feedback with the project team, and the input from this phase of engagement will help inform big moves and policy shifts proposed for inclusion in the updated OCP. Read the full report. [PDF/17.1MB]
Phase 3
We held a variety of Pop-Up events and Open Houses. A survey was also available at engage.mission.ca. Read the full report [PDF/46.7MB].
Project Timeline
The OCP Update is a year-long, multi-phased project. The following timeline provides an overview of what the project team will be doing at each phase and how you can get involved.

Project Start-up (Completed)
March 2024 - April 2024

Engagement: Aligning Directions (Completed)
Spring 2024

Research & Design (Completed)
April 2024 - August 2024

Engagement: Big Moves (Completed)
Fall 2024

Draft Official Community Plan (Completed)
June - October 2024