Business Licences

Reminder: Business Licence Renewals Due Dec. 31

All business licences expire on December 31st of each year. Licences are due for renewal by January 1st, 2025. A late fee will be applied if payment is not received by February 1st. 

The fee for 2025 is $148. Payments for renewals can be made in person at the City of Mission by cash, cheque or debit. You may also mail a cheque to the City of Mission, Bylaws and Licensing Division, 7337 Welton Street, Mission BC V2V 3X1.

Who Needs a Business Licence

Any activity or undertaking providing professional, personal or other service for the purposes of gain or profit requires a valid business licence.  Every business must have a business licence issued by the City of Mission before starting business.

A business which involves the preparation of food (restaurants, caterers, etc.) or a use regulated by the Community Care Facility Act, such as a day care licence, should also contact the Fraser Health Authority at 604-814-5515.

Accessory home occupations are required to read through the Home Occupation Use (Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020 Section 107) and indicate that this has been read on the business licence application form.

Optional - Preliminary Business Licence Meeting

Where an application involves a change in the use or occupancy of a building that may require that alterations be made to it in accordance with Building Bylaw 3590-2003 a building permit shall be applied for and an inspection acquired prior to the issuance of a business licence.

The City of Mission offers businesses a pre-application meeting where business owners and applicants can meet with city staff to assist in navigating city permitting and licensing processes before signing a lease or purchasing a unit. Business owners can gain information that is specific to their plans for business and address questions related to zoning, building inspections and permits, signage and other licensing requirements. Click here to schedule an appointment.  

For a fee, we also offer a preliminary business licence inspection, onsite with a building inspector, to help identify any necessary upgrades or modifications in advance to help applicants understand potential challenges and expenses associated with bringing the property up to standard. Click here for more information. 

The City of Mission does not register business names, or issue GST or PST numbers. Visit 
BC Registries and Online Services for more information.

Commercial Business Licence Application & Renewal

Home-Based Fillable Licence Application 

Business Licence Fillable Application Form [PDF/97KB]

Business licence applications, including transfer of ownership and change in address or name, shall only be accepted and processed through the Bylaws and Licensing Division by filling out a new application in full.

The cost of a business licence is contained within Schedule “A” of the Business Licence Bylaw 3964-2007. 


Every business is required to renew its licence every calendar year on January 1st.  Courtesy renewal notices will be mailed out by the City of Mission, Bylaws and Licensing Division, on an annual basis beginning in December.

Payments for renewals can be made in person at the City of Mission by cash, cheque or debit. You may also mail a cheque to the City of Mission, Bylaws and Licensing Division, 7337 Welton Street, Mission BC V2V 3X1.

Payments can also be paid via online banking to the “City of Mission” or “District of Mission” as a payee using your eight digit Business Licence number. Please note, this option may take 3-5 business days to process.

Common Tasks