Tree Farm Licence 26 (TFL26) is guided by many higher level plans, approved by the Province of BC or certification organizations.
The Forest Stewardship Plan [PDF/4.1MB] is a landscape-level plan for potential forest development activities that are intended to take place in the plan area, and require all forest practices to be consistent with BC government objectives and values, as regulated by the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Management Plan 10 [PDF/15.3MB]lays out the timber supply analysis used for the short and long term availability for the harvesting of timber in consideration of all other management practices that influence its availability. It incorporates First Nation, public and stakeholder input. It also takes into account non-timber values such as visual landscapes, wildlife habitat, recreation values, operability, riparian areas, terrain stability, and archaeological potential. This plan is required to be completed every 10 years or sooner and the allowable annual cut is approved by the Chief Forester for BC.
In 2023, TFL26 operations became certified under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative®. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Management Plan [PDF/1MB] is available for review as attached.
Riparian Zones, Wildlife Habitat and other Reserves
Riparian zones and and wildlife habitats for species as risk are protected through adherence to the Forest and Range Practices Act and Regulations. Additional reserves are designed around sensitive ecosystems and in highly visual areas, as individual trees, groups or large patches.
Preserving scenic landscapes is equally paramount. In the Coastal Western Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone, the ecosystems that support Douglas-fir, require full sunlight to grow. To enhance biodiversity and aid in visual landscape management, reserve trees are maintained throughout cut areas.
Old Growth Management Areas are identified throughout TFL26, to protect all existing old growth and to identify the ecosystems suited towards recruitments of old growth over time.
Engagement of Resource Professionals
Our commitment to sustainable forest resource management is upheld by a team of regulated resource professionals. Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) and Registered Forest Technologists (RFT) on staff or hired on a consulting basis make crucial management decisions. Additionally, Registered Professional Biologists (RPBio), Professional Engineers (PEng), Professional Geoscientists (PGeo), and Archaeologists are engaged to address specific issues related to their respective fields as required.