Budget & Finance


The Finance Department is responsible for overall financial administration.  It provides visionary stewardship over the City’s financial resources and supports other departments in the provision of quality services to the citizens of Mission.

The Finance Department is more specifically involved in, and responsible for: short and long-term operational and capital financial planning, internal and external financial reporting, payroll and general accounting, administration of the City’s investment portfolio, maintenance of property records, property tax collection and related tax rate setting recommendations, utility billings and payments, procurement of and payment for goods and services, and the central stores operation.

As most issues and decisions within local government have financial ramifications, the Department is intricately involved, on a daily basis, with assessing the financial impact of various alternate courses of action being considered and in supporting the City’s general decision-making and service delivery processes.

Paving program in progress on a local road in Mission

Property Taxes and Municipal Rates

Property taxes are the City’s primary revenue source and are critical to the health and livability of our city. Tax dollars help pay for many of our essential services, such as police, fire fighting, public works and recreation services.
Crew working in equipment

Financial Reporting

Cities are required under the Community Charter and the Local Government Act to prepare audited financial statements, Annual Reports and Statement of Financial Information reports which are to be presented to Council at a public council meeting.


Mission updates its five-year Financial Plan annually to ensure its finances are managed responsibly and to reflect the priorities identified by Council and the community.  The 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan Bylaw was approved by Council on Jan 8, 2024. 

The Plan includes specific funding requirements for 2024, and projections for 2024 – 2028.

At a high level the financial plan combines:

General Operating Budget

The day-to-day operational expenses, such as recreation, inspections and protective services.   Any proposed changes to this budget allow the City to continue to provide the same services, at the same levels.

General Capital Budget

For general municipal capital projects such as playground equipment and upgrades, road and bridge repairs, facility construction and improvements, and life-cycle equipment replacements.

Utility Budgets

The operating and capital budgets for water, sewer, drainage, and solid waste.  These expenses are funded through user-fees and levies.   Utility levies are included on your Property Tax Notice, while metered utilities are billed separately.

New Initiatives

These are new initiatives or service level changes based on Council’s strategic plan, Master Plans, and through ongoing works to improve operations and services to the community.

2025 Budget Book

Learn more about the City’s Financial Plan and provide your feedback at engage.mission.ca from October 28 to November 12, 2024. Your feedback will be reported back to Council to support their decision-making.
Flag person at a city project worksite

Doing Business with the City

See our procurement portal for access to bidding opportunities available with the City of Mission.