- Dawn Hein, Mission Association for Community Living, Chair
- Michelle Puffer, SARA for Women
- Carol Hamilton, Council Representative
- Danny Plecas, Alternate Council Representative
- Annie Charker, Citizen Representative
- Fraser Health Authority
- Gerald Heinrichs, Heinrichs Developments
- Indigenous Housing Provider
- Judith Ray, Citizen Representative
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
- Mission Community Services Society
- Mission Association for Seniors Housing
The MSHC provides information and recommendations to Council concerning the ongoing challenges of affordable and sustainable housing impacting a broad array of Mission citizens and identifies potential solutions for increasing the supply of affordable and accessible housing and shelter in the City of Mission.
Utilize the good work done as part of the 2021 Affordable Housing Strategy workshop as a foundation and launching point;
Advise on the implementation of the Affordable Housing Strategy to address the shortage of housing units in Mission, and particularly rental and affordable rental units;
Research affordable housing incentives for developers;
Investigate the feasibility of providing incentives to landlords providing affordable rental units;
Compile data and provide a systematic response to tracking trends to better understand housing and shelter supply and the needs of various population types;
Advise Council on progress and bring recommendations forward as needed;
Promote awareness of the importance of affordable housing within the community; and
Utilize inter-committee sharing of information.
Meetings are held at 7337 Welton Street as well as via videoconference.
If you would like a Zoom link to a meeting, please call 604-820-3748 or email planning@mission.ca
2024 MSHC Meeting Schedule [PDF/201KB]
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 3:00 pm