Committees, Commissions and Task Forces provide Council with optimized consultation from the community when making decisions.
Accessibility, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
This committee is a Council appointed advisory body consisting of both organization and citizen representatives with lived and learned accessibility experience.
Board of Variance
This board considers minor variances to certain development-related bylaws where compliance with these bylaws would cause undue hardship.
Cultural Resources Committee
The Cultural Resources Committee provides the expertise of a diverse group of people to make recommendations that will shape the infrastructure and support base for regional cultural activities, services and organizations. Their recommendations will sustain and enhance the social and economic benefits of culture which includes arts and multiculturalism throughout the City.
Development Liaison Committee
This committee represents the building and development community. The committee works directly with staff to review and improve processes and policy related to building and development in Mission.
Economic Development Select Committee (EDSC)
This committee provides recommendations to Council on economic development priorities, policies, procedures, and matters that will foster and enhance business and economic growth within the City of Mission.
Environmental Charter Advisory Committee
The Environmental Charter Advisory Committee (ECAC) is a Council appointed advisory body consisting of community members and subject matter experts providing recommendations to Council on the implementation, review and improvement of the Environmental Charter.
Joint Shared Services Committee (JSSC)
The Joint Shared Services Committee (JSSC) is comprised of elected officials from both the City of Mission and the City of Abbotsford, and acts on behalf of Mission and Abbotsford to accomplish shared joint services goals.
Mission Sustainable Housing Committee (MSHC)
The MSHC provides information and recommendations to Council concerning the ongoing challenges of affordable and sustainable housing impacting a broad array of Mission citizens and identifies potential solutions for increasing the supply of affordable and accessible housing and shelter in the City of Mission.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is established by the City of Mission Council and supports the City’s mission statement: “Our purpose is to build a safe, healthy and inclusive community that is abundant in the economic, cultural and recreational opportunities."