Mayor's Message on Seniors Week


A message from Mayor Paul Horn in recognition of Seniors' Week:

On behalf of the City of Mission and its Council, it’s my honour, to recognize Seniors Week here in Mission. 

In many societies, living intergenerationally is the norm, but here in Canada we too often forget the many mutual benefits of truly living with the senior members of our communities.

It just makes sense.  In a world where so many young people are thirsty for connection and direction, time with a grandparent or elder can make a huge difference. When it comes to volunteerism and social commitment, our seniors are essential contributors. Our seniors are also economic drivers, business leaders, cultural wellsprings, preservers of our heritage, community teachers and childcare providers. A community with a healthy and engaged senior citizen population is, quite plainly, a better place for all.

Living long is not the aim; it’s all about living richly.

Living long is not the aim; it’s all about living richly. I’ve learned this lesson (and many more) from my elders, and I am eternally grateful for the mentorship and teaching of so many longtime contributors here in Mission.  I’m willing to bet that you know many incredible seniors too.

Take a moment this week to enjoy a Seniors Week event, and to celebrate the silver citizens of our City.