Abbotsford-Mission Joint Wastewater Master Plan 2018
The purpose of the Joint Wastewater Master Plan is to review the treatment facilities to support residential, industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) growth in the next 25 years in Abbotsford and Mission.
Cedar Valley Local Area Plan and Engineering Plan
The Cedar Valley Local Area Plan and Cedar Valley Engineering Plan provide detailed guidance for the future development of the Cedar Valley community. These plans are based on the principles of sustainability addressing the need to balance economic, environmental and social needs in creating a complete and resilient community.
Community Wellness Strategy
The community wellness strategy provides clear goals for Mission’s future of wellness, and charts a path for how to get there.
Council Strategic Plan
The City of Mission Strategic Plan guides the City’s budget and service delivery, and charts how we are working toward fulfilling our vision and mission.
Downtown Mission Action Plan
This plan includes design and planning policies, priority capital investments, and tools and incentives for supporting existing businesses and attracting future downtown investment.
Employment Land Strategy
This strategy provides direction for economic and land use policy and planning decisions for the community and is based on an analysis of Mission’s population growth, land base, economic context, sector analysis, growth industry assessment, and supporting infrastructure.
Environmental Charter
The Environmental Charter: A Climate & Environmental Action Plan guides new initiatives whether they are related to buildings/land use, transportation, infrastructure, or parks.
Facilities Master Plan
A high-level document to guide planning decisions regarding City-owned facilities, informed by a combination of the current condition of facilities, growth expectations, and ratio-driven requirements into the future.
Forest Stewardship Plan
The 2022-2027 Forest Stewardship Plan is approved by the Province of BC under the authority of the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Fraser River Flood Preparedness & Response Plan
Flood response planning is a strategy to minimize loss of life, injury and trauma and to reduce property damage as a result of a flood. No one can anticipate every contingency during a flood event, but a flood response plan will help develop appropriate responses for a wide range of occurrences.
Human Resources Strategy
The Human Resources Strategy demonstrates a commitment to prioritizing and recognizing the importance of investing in the people who help sure the City of Mission is delivering top services to the community.
Joint Abbotsford - Mission Water Master Plan 2018
A water supply master plan outlines programs and capital projects to manage water in our region.
Management Plan 10
2019-2028 Management Plan 10 for Tree Farm Licence 26
Mission Fire Rescue Service Fire Protection Master Plan 2024-2028
This plan guides Mission Fire Rescue Service into the future.
Mission RCMP Strategic Plan 2023-2027
The Mission RCMP strategic plan for 2023–2027 came together over a period of six months and represents the input of Detachment leadership, regular members, municipal employees, and stakeholders in the community.
Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan represents Mission’s overarching vision for the future and provides a framework to guide growth and decisions about land use development, resources, and the environment.
Parks, Recreation, Arts and Culture Master Plan
This Master Plan provides the direction for managing and developing parks, recreational, arts and cultural facilities and programs within Mission by providing information on general benefits and trends; identifying local considerations in service provision; identifying needs through community input and assessments; providing recommendations for improvements; and studying the financial viability of the identified priorities.
Silverdale Comprehensive Planning Area (Central Neighbourhood Plan)
The City is undertaking a large planning process for Silverdale to guide future growth and development, and to plan a sustainable and complete community that reflects Silverdale’s unique sense of place. This 3,440 acre area, sometimes known as Southwest Mission, is defined in Mission’s Official Community Plan as the Silverdale Comprehensive Planning Area (SCPA) and is designated for urban growth.
Silverdale Master Infrastructure Strategy (MIS)
The Silverdale Comprehensive Planning Area is too large for any one single land owner to develop alone. It needs development patterns that work with the land, and set a plan for the core infrastructure needed for the community.
Stave Heights Engineering Plan
On May 16, 2022 Council adopted the Stave Heights Neighbourhood Plan into the Official Community Plan (OCP) and
on October 3, 2022 Council endorsed the accompanying Stave Heights Engineering Plan.
on October 3, 2022 Council endorsed the accompanying Stave Heights Engineering Plan.
Stave Heights Neighbourhood Plan
The Stave Heights Neighbourhood Plan provides a clear guide for new development, public investment, and an opportunity for a diversity of housing within the environmentally sensitive hillside landscape with connecting trails, park, and protected natural lands that integrate with the surrounding community.
Stave West Interpretive Forest Master Plan
The Stave West Master Plan provides a strategic framework for the development and management of the area. Based on balanced social, environmental and economic principles, it builds on Stave West’s potential for creating recreation opportunities while managing operational and environmental resources for the City of Mission and First Nations.
Sustainable Forest Initiative Management Plan
The Sustainable Forest Initiative Management Plan is an international certification that Tree Farm Licence 26 meets all the requirements.
Transit Future Plan: Abbotsford - Mission - January 2013
The Transit Future Plan includes a review of the existing transit services, local land use plans, travel data and travel demand forecasts. Consultation efforts included detailed discussions with the District of Mission, the City of Abbotsford, and the Fraser Valley Regional District, and included the Transit Future bus tour, public open houses, a project website, and online surveys.
Transportation Master Plan
The Transportation Masterplan: Mission Mobility 2050 helps address current transportation challenges and shapes the future of transportation in Mission.
Tree Farm Licence 26 Management Plan 10
Management Plan 10 (2019-2028) lays out the timber supply analysis used for the short and long term availability for the harvesting of timber in consideration of all other management practices that influence its availability.
Utility Master Plan
The Utility Master Plan is a guide for infrastructure upgrades in Mission’s water, sanitary sewer and drainage systems over the next 25 years. These systems are essential to our quality of life and building a plan over the next 25 years will help us prepare and respond to the ongoing growth and development of our community.
Waterfront Revitalization Master Plan
With one of the largest underdeveloped Fraser River waterfronts in the Lower Mainland, the stage is set for transformational growth to take place in Mission. It all comes together in Mission’s Waterfront, where a new exciting, innovative, and world-class mixed-use community will be created.