Transit Oriented Areas (TOA)

In December 2023, the province mandated the City of Mission to designate the lands 
within 400 metres of the West Coast Express Station as a Transit Oriented Area (TOA). 

The Provincial website provides the purpose for creating the TOA: 

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is an approach to land use planning that locates high-density, mixed-use development within walking distance from frequent transit services. TOD typically incorporates a variety of land uses, including residential, commercial (such as, grocery stores and retail) and community amenities (such as childcare and community centres). TOD promotes the creation of complete, liveable, and sustainable communities by building more homes near transit and services.” 

On September 9, 2024, Council adopted Transit Oriented Areas Bylaw 6292-2024. A copy of this Bylaw can be found on the City website ( by searching “Bylaws & Policies”.

A TOA designation does not alter land use. 

  • Development applications are still required to develop a property. 
  • The TOA simply establishes minimum entitlements for density and height as well as reducing mandatory parking requirements for residential developments within a short walking distance of public transit facilities. 
  • Other land development aspects such as site servicing, changes in zoning, most form and character guidelines and subdivision criteria remain in effect.

What's next? Basic Steps

  1. Review your property’s zone with Planning staff or by visiting the City’s Webmap and searching your property.
  2. Review the allowable building options for your property based on the zone. 
  3. Choose the type of building you want to construct & work with a designer to bring your vision to reality within the requirements as outlined below. 
  4. Book a Pre-Application Review (PAR) Meeting with staff. Details can be found here on booking a PAR meeting. This meeting will provide details on what requirements will be needed for your building permit application.


  • Check with Planning & Inspection Services for any specific regulations and guidelines that may apply to your property.

PLEASE NOTE: The information contained on this webpage is intended for reference only and may not outline all applicable regulations. Any contradiction, dispute, or difference between the contents of this webpage and applicable provincial law or City bylaw, plan, policies, or guidelines will be resolved by reference to the law, bylaws, or other official documents.