Operating Hours
- Mon-Fri
5:30am-9:00pm - Sat & Sun
Pool Hours
- Mon-Fri
5:30am-9:00pm - Sat & Sun
Weight Room Hours
- Mon-Fri
5:30am-9:00pm - Sat & Sun
Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct is posted in various areas of the Mission Leisure Centre. The Code of Conduct applies to all customers and staff.
Code of Conduct
We strive to ensure that all persons are treated with
Dignity, Respect, Honesty & Fairness.
It is everyone’s responsibility to report witnessed misconduct.
Behaviour will not be tolerated, ignored or condoned if it is:
- aggressive, offensive, abusive or harassing, or
- interferes with another person’s enjoyment of the facilities, or
- unsafe to the person or others around them
Together we make all recreation safe.