Planning Division - Development Services
As the City of Mission grows and changes, Planning supports and oversees the functions of community-wide land-use planning and site-specific development planning. Planning is primarily responsible for managing growth and development through the administration of applicable land use bylaws and policies adopted by Council.
The information below will provide you with an understanding of development procedures and outline the overall development process.
If you wish to proceed with a development application or require any clarification, please contact the Planning Division at 604-820-3748 or
Planning Applications as of January 7, 2025:
(Information updated quarterly)
Pre-Application Review
The preliminary step to all development involves a pre-application review (PAR) meeting to discuss the applicant’s initial proposal.
The applicant must complete and submit the online Pre-Application Review (PAR) Form and submit payment ($383.25) in order to be listed on the next available PAR meeting agenda (see form for more details). Meetings are held every two weeks, with a maximum of 6 applications discussed per meeting date, as shown in the 2025 DART/PAR Schedule [PDF/112KB].
Your spot is reserved once all the requirements have been received (application form, payment, draft plan and or any other requirement indicated by staff). Reservations are on a first come first serve basis. Once the internal meeting has been held to review your proposal the application fee is non-refundable.
Planning staff as well as other relevant City of Mission employees will attend a Development Application Review Team (DART) meeting to discuss your application and identify any specific information that may be required for your development. Staff will then contact you with your PAR meeting date to attend. A letter will be sent to you outlining a variety of information that you will need to submit for your application.
Please contact or call 604-820-3748 if you encounter any issues using this form.
Formal Development Application
The LAN.41 Guide To Land Development [PDF/229KB] is the Policy that outlines all the necessary information for the development of land. It includes an application form as well as a checklist for required items. This is required for all types of development.
The following links take you to specific areas of the Guide to Land Development for the following types of development:
Rezoning Brochure [PDF/290KB] (Zoning Bylaw Amendment)
Subdivision Brochure [PDF/338KB]
The necessary forms for your application can be found in the Form Library.
How to Apply for Development Permits & Variances
Information and instructions on how to apply for our common development permits and development variance permits can be found below.
Under the DP Area A: Infill Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines, is designed to establish guidelines for the form and character of intensive residential development to achieve a higher standard of building design, housing alternatives, site compatibility and site aesthetics that are consistent with a vibrant residential neighbourhood.
Infill residential development includes the following within the Urban Growth Boundary:
- laneway houses (also known as a coach house),
- garden suites (also known as a garden cottage),
- duplexes,
- triplexes,
- fourplexes, and
- Single family designated Urban Compact.
Refer to the City webmap to determine a property is within the Urban Growth Boundary.
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB] [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] [PDF/123KB] If the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner.
- BC Company Summary To be included with the agent appointment form if the property is owned by a business.
- Provincial Site Disclosure Statement Form [PDF/1.8MB] [PDF/1.9MB]
- Copy of the Elevation and Site Plan.
- Copy of a recent Property Title Search.
- Copy of any registered documents listed on the Property Title Search. This includes registered covenants, statutory right-of-ways, easements, and legal notations.
For Duplexes, Triplexes and Fourplexes the following is also required:
8. Copy of Conceptual Servicing Plan. Further information about servicing capacity can be found on the SSMUH website page.
9. Form F-5 Commitment by Owner and Consulting Engineer [PDF/95KB]
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review. Staff will contact you with the required amount for payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.
What is a Development Variance Permit?
A Development Variance Permit is a permit issued by Council to vary requirements of:
- Zoning Bylaw;
- Development Subdivision Bylaw;
- Other Land Use and Development Bylaws; or
- Sign Bylaw.
When is a Development Variance Permit Necessary?
A Development Variance Permit is necessary to vary standards imposed in a bylaw that conflict with characteristics of a specific project. Varied standards could relate to:
- minimum standards of building form – height or size of building;
- parking regulations – number of parking spaces;
- subdivision regulations – minimum lot dimensions if variation does not affect lot area or density, etc
- sign regulations – size or location of sign, etc.
The requested variance must not:
- constitute a substantial variation in applicable bylaws;
- vary the allowed density; or
- permit a non-conforming use.
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] – if the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner:
- BC Company Summary – included with agent appointment form if property is owned by a business
- Elevation Drawings
- Site Plan
- Property Title Search – dated within 30 days of application
- Letter of Rationale – a letter explaining why the variance is requested
- Payment - Staff will contact you with the required amount to pay.
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review prior to payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.
Fees are calculated at the time of submission and are payable by cash, debit or cheque payable to the City of Mission. Payment can be dropped off or mailed to 7337 Welton Street, Mission, BC, V2V 3X1.
The purpose of the Fire Interface Development Permit [PDF/243KB]is to gain fire protection by using non-combustible materials when constructing new buildings.
This development permit is required when constructing within the Fire Interface Development Permit Area (indicated on the City WebMap) for a NEW building only (not applicable for interior renovations or additions to an existing buildings).
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] – if the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner.
- BC Company Summary – included with agent appointment form if property is owned by a business.
- Provincial Site Disclosure Statement Form [PDF/1.9MB]
- Copy of a recent Property Title Search
- Payment - Staff will contact you with the required amount to pay.
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review prior to payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.
Land clearing is often a component of development. Without proper regulation, land clearing and other alterations or disturbances to the landscape can result in the extirpation of native species, loss of critical habitat, proliferation of invasive species, and sedimentation of streams and municipal drainage infrastructure. To mitigate risks, provide guidance, and penalize unscrupulous practices, the Forest Ecosystems Development Permit was adopted as a component of the Land Clearing Management Program.
If your application involves land disturbance which is not subject to an exemption, the approval of a Forest Ecosystems Development Permit is required. For exemptions and additional details, please refer to the Land Clearing Management Program webpage and section 9.7 of the Official Community Plan. To obtain a Forest Ecosystems Development Permit, a Preliminary Site Survey must be completed by a Qualified Environmental Professional. The Preliminary Site Survey should identify any sensitive environmental features and provide recommended mitigation measures. These recommendations are likely to become conditions of the Forest Ecosystems Development Permit.
Should the Preliminary Site Survey determine that a given development will occur within a Riparian Assessment Area, a Riparian Protection Development Permit may also be required.
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] (If the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner.)
- BC Company Summary (To be included with the agent appointment form if the property is owned by a business.)
- Provincial Site Disclosure Statement Form [PDF/1.8MB]
- Copy of the Preliminary Site Survey prepared by a Qualified Environmental Professional.
- Copy of a recent Property Title Search.
- Copy of any registered documents listed on the Property Title Search. This includes registered covenants, statutory right-of-ways, easements, and legal notations.
- Payment - Staff will contact you with the required amount to pay.
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review prior to payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.
General Information:
A common requirement in Mission is a geohazard assessment. Geohazards include aspects such as slope stability, liquefaction, flooding, & others as noted in Section 56 of the Community Charter. The building officials may require the applicant to engage a registered professional with training & experience in assessing geohazard risks.
For further information:
Information Brochure for the Preparation of Landslide Hazard Assessments [PDF/238KB]
Guidelines for Landslide Hazard Assessments for Proposed Residential Developments in BC [PDF/1MB]
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] – if the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner
- BC Company Summary – included with agent appointment form if property is owned by a business
- Provincial Site Disclosure Statement Form [PDF/1.9MB]
- Copy of the Geohazard Assessment Report
- Copy of a recent Property Title Search
- Copy of any registered documents listed on the Property Title Search. This includes registered covenants, statutory right-of-ways, easements, legal notations.
- Payment - Staff will contact you with the required amount to pay.
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review prior to payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.
Riparian Protection Development Permit
Under the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR), a local government must not approve development within a Riparian Assessment Area unless a Qualified Environmental Professional has prepared an Assessment Report that provides an opinion that there will be no adverse effects on the natural features, functions, and conditions that support fish life processes.
The Riparian Protection Development Permit serves as a regulatory trigger for any development within the Riparian Assessment Area and provides additional guidance for working near streams. If your application involves development within a Riparian Assessment Area which is not subject to an exemption, the approval of a Riparian Protection Development Permit is required. For exemptions and additional details, please refer to the Land Clearing Management Program webpage and section 9.7 of the Official Community Plan. To obtain a Riparian Protection Development Permit, an Assessment Report must be completed by a Qualified Environmental Professional and submitted through the Riparian Areas Regulation Notification System. The Assessment Report must be approved by the Province prior to the issuance of the Riparian Protection Development Permit. The “Measures to Protect and Maintain the SPEA” are likely to become conditions of the Riparian Protection Development Permit.
For further information about the RAPR, refer to the Quick Guide for Waterfront Land Owners and Developers.
To make an application, submit the following:
- Application Form [PDF/27KB]
- Agent Appointment [PDF/123KB] (If the applicant is not the owner of the property, and if there is more than one property owner.)
- BC Company Summary (To be included with the agent appointment form if the property is owned by a business.)
- Provincial Site Disclosure Statement Form [PDF/1.8MB]
- Copy of the Assessment Report prepared by a Qualified Environmental Professional.
- Copy of a recent Property Title Search.
- Copy of any registered documents listed on the Property Title Search. This includes registered covenants, statutory right-of-ways, easements, and legal notations.
- Payment - Staff will contact you with the required amount to pay.
When you have all the forms and required items, please email the complete submission to for an initial review prior to payment. Call 604-820-3748 for any assistance.