When is my recycling collected?
Recycling is collected weekly. Please see the Curbside Collection Calendar or download the Recycle Coach app to find out when your scheduled recycling pick-up day is.
What materials can go in blue bins?
“Mixed Recyclables” – the dry recyclable waste that is free from contaminants such as construction, food, or garden waste.
- non-deposit containers (plastic, aluminum, steel, etc.)
- paper cups
- cartons (coffee cups, milk cartons etc.)
- paper and packaging (shoes, crackers, etc.).
See Recycle BC’s online “WHAT CAN I RECYCLE” Recycling Material List to see how to recycle or safely dispose of it in Mission.
What materials CANNOT go in blue bins?
The main materials that are not accepted in the blue bin curbside recycling are:
- Styrofoam
- all stretchy plastic bags (black bags, bin liners, shopping bags, bread wrappers, crisp bags)
- Plastic film & non-recyclables (chip bags, wrappers, cling film, bubble wrap, etc.)
- glass containers (accepted in the black box)
- Coal bags, compost and fertilizer bags, pet-food bags or pouches
- Hard plastics (toys, etc)
- Tin-foil or tin trays (disposable barbecue trays, take-away food containers)
- No meat, poultry or fish (raw or cooked) wrappers, trays or packaging
- Ashes
- Vacuum cleaner bags and contents
- Rocks, bricks, gravel & timber
- Glass/ceramics
- Clothes/shoes
- Green waste (kitchen or garden)
- Dryer sheets and lint
- Personal hygiene products
- Medical waste
- Paint, motor oil, wax or petroleum
- Cigarette butts
- Animal Waste
Can Styrofoam be recycled?
Styrofoam is not accepted in our curbside collection system, but it can be dropped off at a depot to be recycled at these locations:
- Mission Recycling Depot
- Mission Landfill Recycling
- Mission Recycle Centre
For additional information on Mission’s recycling depots, please visit our online Drop-offs Depots & Landfill page section.
Are stretchy plastics recyclable?
Stretchy plastics are not accepted in our curbside collection system, because they can easily damage the sorting equipment/machinery by getting stuck. Instead, they can be dropped off at a depot to be recycled at these locations:
- Mission Recycling Depot
- Mission Landfill Recycling
- Mission Recycle Centre
For additional information on Mission’s recycling depots, please visit our online Drop-offs Depots & Landfill page section.
Can cardboard food containers be recycled?
If the container is clean with no oil residue or food, it can be recycled in your blue bin. If the cardboard is greasy with food still stuck to it, it should be composted.
Should I clean out containers before putting them into my recycling bin?
Yes, please empty containers and clean them out before putting them into your blue bin. This helps minimize contamination from food residue spoiling the recyclability of materials, and reduces smells to prevent attractions of bears.
For additional information on how to prevent attraction of bears, please visit our online Bears & Wildlife page section.
Do I have to remove labels from containers before recycling them?
No, you can leave labels on contains, but please ensure they are empty and rinsed.
Why do I have to sort my curbside recycling?
When recyclables are sorted into three streams (glass, fibres, and containers), we can ensure that more of the materials that are collected are recycled, and improve the performance of your recycling program.
How should I sort my recycling?
Please sort recyclables as follows:
- Use the blue container for non-deposit containers (plastic, aluminum, steel, etc.), paper cups, cartons (coffee cups, milk cartons etc.), paper and packaging (shoes, crackers, etc.).
- Corrugated cardboard that does not fit in containers can be flattened.
- Think outside the kitchen – shampoo bottles, bubble bath, lotions and potions all come in containers that can be recycled. Pop a small bin in your bathroom to remind you to collect all of them.
- It really helps if you thoroughly rinse all items before placing them in your bin, as dirty or unsuitable items could contaminate the entire contents.
- Use the black container for non-deposit glass bottles and jars.
See Recycle BC’s online “WHAT CAN I RECYCLE” Recycling Material List to see how to recycle or safely dispose of it in Mission.
Why were glass and film plastic collected previously, while other materials were not collected, but will now be?
Glass can break during collection and is then difficult to sort from other recyclables, resulting in other materials, such as paper, not being accepted by recycling markets. Film plastics, such as shopping bags and bread bags, can get wrapped up with other recyclables during collection and are then difficult to separate. The Recycle BC program is a Province-wide program and needs to be consistent across the Province to ensure maximum collection.
The larger scale of the program requires certainty of markets, and therefore must address market concerns with glass and film plastic, while at the same time, providing economies of scale for accepting additional materials.
Where can I get more information?
Additional information can be found on Recycle BC’s website, or by emailing or calling the City of Mission’s Engineering Department at 604-820-3736.