

Mission collects curbside recycling on behalf of Recycle BC who is responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia.

Recycling Contamination Remediation Plan

We're on a mission to cut blue bin contamination by 25%. From educational videos to new social media and website content to in-the-field recycling bin inspections, the campaign is geared toward demystifying the recycling process by sharing practical and handy tips with residents. 

Please avoid contaminating recycling. Place only accepted items in your bin. This keeps crews safe and ensures your material is effectively recycled. Don't know where it goes? Download the Recycle Coach app for a quick assist.



What are the top contaminants found in curbside and multi-family recycling?

Through audits regularly conducted by Recycle BC in Mission, they have shared the top five contaminants found in both the curbside and multi-family recycling programs:

  • Plastic Products (non-packaging)
  • Garbage
  • Electronics
  • Scrap Metal
  • Personal Hygiene Products
  • Napkins, Tissues, Paper Towels

See the video:

Contamination presents significant operational and financial implications to the Recycle BC program by reducing the value of the recyclables and the ability to effectively recycle material.

How can you help?

Download the Recycle Coach App (at Apply Store or Google Play) and use one of these great features:

  • “What goes where?” search function is a great resource to search items by name and see how they should be sorted;
  • Image Search Feature allows you to take a photo of an item and the app will identify it and help you sort it.
