No, unfortunately the City does NOT accept credit cards for property tax or utility payments.
Everything You Want to Know About Property Taxes
The most common ways to pay your property taxes are:
Telephone or internet banking, or in-person at most financial institutions.
Canada Post or Courier – City of Mission, 8645 Stave Lake Street, PO Box 20, Mission, BC V2V 4L9 Be sure to mail early. All payments must be received at Municipal Hall on or before the due date. Mail lost or delayed will be subject to a penalty. Post marks are NOT accepted as date of payment.
Secure Drop Boxes – located at the south and north entrances at Municipal Hall (8645 Stave Lake Street) and at the Mission Leisure Centre Reception (7650 Grand Street). Drop boxes are emptied daily. NO cash please.
Please make cheques payable to City of Mission.
Think ahead for next year’s taxes and fill out a Property Tax Pre-payment Plan Application form.
The most flexible option for making prepayments (or payments) is setting up recurring bill payments through your financial institution’s telephone or online banking system. You choose the frequency, the day of the month, and the amount. (Your 9 digit roll number [no dashes] is your account number).
More information on Payment Methods and the Pre-Payment Plan.
Home Owner Grants
Effective 2021, all home owner grant applications are submitted directly to the province. Residents in municipalities can no longer apply through their municipal office.
Please visit the BC Provincial Government Home Owner Grant Website for more information and to claim your Home Owner Grant.
Retro Home Owner Grants
The retroactive home owner grant application process has changed. Please visit the BC Provincial Government website to find out details on the new process.
The Ups and Downs of Property Assessment
The assessed value of a property and improvements are determined by BC Assessment. BC Assessment is an independent agency created by the Provincial Government for the purpose of valuing all properties in BC for taxation purposes. It is important to check all details on the Property Assessment Notice when you receive it.
If you would like to know how properties are assessed, please visit BC Assessment’s website.
You can search the assessed value of any property in BC online; by going to: and type in the address.
For questions or concerns regarding your property’s assessed value, contact BC Assessment.
The City determines property taxes by applying the assessed value of properties from BC Assessment to the current tax rate(s) to arrive at the amount of taxes owing each year. You cannot appeal property taxes, but you can appeal your assessment. Visit BC Assessment’s website for appeal process, deadlines, and details.
I Just Sold/Purchased a Home in Mission. What Do I Need to Know?
You do not need to call to change your address as the Land Title Office provides changes to municipalities.
Your notary or lawyer will acquire a tax certificate. Please talk to your notary or lawyer and they will advise you if you or the new owner will be responsible for the tax payment and claiming the grant (if eligible).
If you pay online, update the payee and account information on your financial institution’s website.
Change or Cancel your Property Tax Pre-Payment Plan at least five business days before the property is sold.
Return a property tax notice to the City (marked “SOLD”) that is no longer your responsibility.