For Emergencies
Call 9-1-1
Emergency Support Services
Personal emergency preparedness and emergency planning education is available to City of Mission community groups. Please submit a MFRS Emergency Dept. Education request form.
Our role:
ESS (Emergency Social Services) is a provincial emergency response program. ESS volunteers deliver short-term services aimed at preserving the well-being of individuals affected by emergencies or disasters. We respond to incidents such as fires, floods, and similar events, providing emotional support and acting as a liaison between evacuees and first responders. Our services include meeting immediate needs like food, clothing, and shelter, as well as coordinating mass care during significant disaster events.
How we assist:
- Providing care for up to 72 hours after a crisis event
- Helping individuals meet basic survival needs during a disaster by offering food, clothing, and shelter
- Reuniting families and individuals separated by disaster
- Offering accurate and up-to-date information about the emergency
- Assisting people in re-establishing themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster
City of Mission Emergency Response Plan
This plan guides the operations, organization, responsibilities and coordination necessary to provide for effective response and recovery from major emergencies or disasters in the jurisdictional area of the City of Mission.
Prepared BC
Prepared BC is the government’s one stop-shop for online preparedness information, including hazard-specific information, how to build an emergency kit, how to prepare your household and how to connect with your neighbours in advance of a disaster.
The website also features these resources:
1. PreparedBC: Household Preparedness Guide: Since preparedness starts in the home, this eleven-step guide has all the information needed to get prepared now, such as building an emergency kit, gathering items for your grab-and-go bags and identifying a safe meeting place.
2. In it Together: Neighbourhood Preparedness Guide : This eight-step guide will help people connect with their neighbours in the spirit of community resiliency and disaster readiness. Join forces with your neighbours so you collectively know what to do in an emergency, who to check on and what resources are available nearby.
3. Household Emergency Kit and Grab-and-Go Bag: Gather and organize your emergency supplies now so you’re ready when disaster strikes.
All of these resources, and other, are available on the PreparedBC website for downloading.