Snow & Ice Control

Snowplowing Roads

The City is divided into 7 snow route areas; each area has a Priority 1 Route (emergency accesses, transit and school bus routes and streets in the business district), and a Priority 2 Route (residential, rural and local streets). When there is snow throughout the municipality, resources are allocated to these priority routes. 

Priority 3 routes include all other roads in each area; they will not be plowed until after the snow event has ended and Priority 1 and 2 Routes have been cleared and are in good condition. Priority 1 Override is used in emergency events for professional responders and other utilities or agencies and will take precedence.

The following summarizes the City of Mission preparations and responses to plowing of municipal roads in response to a snowfall:

  • The priority for municipal forces is to plow the main roads, with extra priority for those main road hills.
  • Main roads include public transit and school bus routes.
  • Equipment will be reassigned to secondary roads when the main roads are plowed and the snowfall has subsided

Snow Plow Routes Do Not Cover:

  • Lanes;
  • Sidewalks and stairways other than those specifically identified in the current snow clearing procedures;
  • Mailboxes (this is the responsibility of Canada Post. If you have an issue with a community mailbox, please call 1-844-454-3009 and inform Canada Post of the mailbox location);
  • Private roads and private driveways;
  • Park trails and trail parking lots; and
  • Florence Lake Road, unless required in an emergency.

All parking lots associated with municipal buildings will be cleared, salted and sanded by 10:00 am the day following a snow event (City Hall and Public Works Complex will only be cleared on days they are normally open). All other sidewalks, walkways, and stairs will not be cleared.

Common Tasks

Preparing for Winter Conditions

As we enter the winter months we want to ensure we are all as prepared as possible to deal with winter driving conditions, snow, and ice.


View up to the minute road conditions throughout Mission and BC on our Road Cameras page.

For additional information, please contact Public Works at 604-820-3761 during normal working hours (7:30 am –  5:00 pm, Monday through Friday).

Road cameras on an intersection in Mission

Road Cameras

Check out local road conditions before you head out.
Plowing heavy snow in Steelhead

Mission Snow and Ice Reporting

Have a location you would like to request snow or ice removal?