Overview of Source Control
The purpose of Abbotsford/Mission Water & Sewer Commission Source Control Program (SCP) is to reduce the amounts of contaminants that industries, businesses, institutions and households discharge into the sanitary sewer systems. These discharges may contain significant quantities of contaminants and other substances that can affect the collection and treatment systems as well as the health of workers, the public, and the aquatic environment. Some contaminants will be removed in the solids and end up in the bio-solids, a condition that can restrict the beneficial use or result in costly remediation and recycling efforts. The efficiency of the treatment and its costs are closely related to the quantity and quality of the wastewater treated. Consequently, an effective source control program is an economical and sustainable means of managing wastewater treatment.
The Objectives of the SCP are to:
- Protect the aquatic receiving environment adjacent to the JAMES Wastewater Treatment Plant (JAMES Plant) sewage outfall
- Protect the JAMES plant against corrosion, blockage and other harmful effects related to the presence of wastewater contaminants
- Ensure that the health and safety of sewage workers and the general public is not put at risk due to the presence of wastewater contaminants
- Protect the quality of the bio-solids produced at the JAMES Plant to allow unrestricted options for beneficial use and recycling
- Protect the JAMES Plant against treatment process upsets due to high contaminant loadings
- Promote responsible pollution prevention practices, including reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, and residuals management
The SCP uses the District of Mission Bylaw No. 5033-2009 [PDF/1MB], “Sewer Bylaw” as the main regulatory instrument in achieving the above objective. Wastewater Discharge Permits and Codes of Practice are part of the bylaw requirements. The SCP also uses the BOD & TSS Waste Program to help achieve the program objectives.
Who do I contact for more information?
Abbotsford/Mission Water & Sewer Services
Telephone: 604-864-5663 or 604-557-1452
Email: Joe Vurzinger or Sharon Subido