Abbotsford and Mission’s drinking water undergoes thousands of water quality tests each year to ensure that customers are provided with clean and safe water.
Residents can take pride in their drinking water – it continually meets or exceeds quality standards set out in the BC Drinking Water Protection Act and the Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality health based parameters.
Detailed water quality reports are published annually and key water quality monitoring data is posted monthly. Visit to view the reports.
Are you having water quality issues?
Contact Public Works:
Tel: 604-820-3761
Drinking Water Testing
As required by the Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation, the District of Mission tests the two water systems in order to monitor drinking water quality. This is to ensure compliance with both the Fraser Health Authority and the Canadian Drinking Water guidelines. The permits also require the test results be made available to the public.
Drinking water testing results can be found at