
The City’s web-based GIS mapping system, WebMap, features an innovative technology that makes information available to the public with internet access.  Mission WebMap provides a powerful visual tool which makes it easy for the public, City employees, contractors, developers, and consultants to access information online.

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Webmap offers users information on:

  1. Utilities (e.g., water, sanitary, and storm sewer systems);
  2. Planning (e.g., zoning, OCP, neighbourhood areas, etc.);
  3. Environmental;
  4. Transportation; and
  5. Property information
  6. Watercourse Mapping 

See the watercourse legend here. [PDF/347KB]

WebMap also provides measuring tools, search engine, and report producing capabilities.

Need More Details?

Although there is a vast amount of information available to the public on WebMap, the City has limited some of the information for security reasons. Please Contact the City staff listed below or visit Welton Common (7337 Welton Street) for additional information: 

Contact Engineering regarding Utilities, Environmental, Property Access, etc. 

Contact Planning regarding Zoning, Official Community Plan Designation, Land Development Potential, etc.