While traveling around Mission, you’ve likely noticed advertisements posted on lamp posts, boulevards, fences, and even telephone or hydro poles. Third party signs on city property are prohibited under our Sign Bylaw.
If our Public Works crews see an illegal sign, they will dispose of it and a bylaw enforcement fine may be issued to the violator.
Sign Bylaw
The City of Mission Sign Bylaw No. 1662-1987 explains the details, including a $250.00 ticket for offences. Section 7.4 of this Bylaw states:
7.4 Except as otherwise specifically permitted in this Bylaw the following signs are prohibited:
- billboards;
- flashing signs;
- roof signs;
- portable signs;
- third party signs;
- signs painted, erected or displayed on a fence, tree, lamp standard, hydro or telephone pole.
7.5 Except as otherwise specifically permitted in this Bylaw, no sign shall be located within or over a highway.
If you are looking to advertise with a sign, please refer to Section 8 of the Bylaw No. 1662-1987 for information on Permits.